Tuesday, December 4, 2007

ASP: Sustain Remote Cookie Sessions in an ASP/VBScript

ASP: Sustain Remote Cookie Sessions in an ASP/VBScript

I dug up this cold from my old netnerds blog. For Googlers wondering if sustaining a remote session is possible, the answer is yes; I've sustained remote cookie sessions using both ASP & VBScript. I've provided simplified code below. It should be self explanatory. If not, drop me a comment and I'll explain it.

url1 = "http://www.netnerds.net/session/login.asp"
url2 = "http://www.netnerds.net/session/controlPanel.asp"
data1 = "username=bobby&pass=thepass&submit=Login"
theCookie = httpSessionRequest(1, "POST", url1, data1, noCookie, noViewState)
finalHTML = httpSessionRequest(2, "GET", url2, nodata, theCookie, noViewState)
response.write finalHTML
Function httpSessionRequest(theStep, method, url, data, cookie, viewState)
  'FYI, viewstate code has been ripped out.
  'Previously, I screenscraped to get the viewstate hidden field for aspx pages.
  baseURL = "http://www.netnerds.net/" 'This is to fix any broken images in the output.
  if len(cookie) = 0 then cookie = "dummy=dummy;"
  HTTPReferrer = Trim(url)
  postVars = Trim(data)
    Set XMLHTTP = server.CreateObject("MSXML2.serverXMLHttp")
    XMLHTTP.open method, Trim(url), false
      if UCASE(method) = "POST" Then
        XMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      End If
      XMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Referer", HTTPReferrer 'just in case the server cares
      XMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Cookie", "excuse the Microsoft bug"
      XMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Cookie", cookie
      XMLHTTP.send postVars
      'wait for response
      While XMLHTTP.readyState <> 4
        XMLHTTP.waitForResponse 1000
      strHeaders = XMLHTTP.getAllResponseHeaders()
      hArr = split(strHeaders,"Set-Cookie: ")
      for kk = 1 to ubound(hArr)
        theCookie = left(hArr(kk),instr(hArr(kk),"path=/")-2)
        myCookie = myCookie & " " & theCookie
      if len(myCookie) = 0 then mycookie = cookie
      sReturn = replace(XMLHTTP.responsetext,"../",baseURL)
      if cint(theStep) = 1 then
        httpSessionRequest = mycookie
      elseif cint(theStep) = 2 then
        httpSessionRequest = sReturn
      elseif cint(theStep) = 3 then
        'You can add stuff here to debug
        httpSessionRequest = mycookie
        response.write theCookie & "<p>" & mycookie & "<p>" & sReturn  & "<hr /><p>"
      end if
    set XMLHTTP = nothing