System.Data.SQLite is an enhanced version of the original SQLite database engine. It is a complete drop-in replacement for the original sqlite3.dll (you can even rename it to sqlite3.dll). It has no linker dependency on the .NET runtime so it can be distributed independently of .NET, yet embedded in the binary is a complete ADO.NET 2.0 provider for full managed development.
Here is a brief overview of its features:
Complete ADO.NET 2.0 Implementation The provider was written from scratch on VS2005 specifically for ADO.NET 2.0, using all the new changes in the ADO.NET framework. That includes full DbProviderFactory support, automatic distributed transaction enlistment, extensive schema support, and all the classes inherit from the ADO.NET 2.0 base classes.
Supports the Full and Compact .NET Framework as well as native C/C++ The library is 100% binary compatible with the original sqlite3.dll and has no linker dependencies on the .NET runtime for full unmanaged C/C++ development.
Completely portable database files Unencrypted SQLite databases can be freely shared across all platforms and CPU types, including non-Windows platforms. Encrypted databases can be shared across all Windows platforms and processors.
Incredibly fast, faster than most every other embedded database, including Sql Server Mobile SQLite's installed size is a fraction of Sql Mobile's. It uses less memory at runtime, and generates smaller databases as well.
Encryption Support The entire database file can be encrypted. Binary and cleartext passwords are supported.
Visual Studio 2005 Design-Time Support You can add a SQLite connection to the Server Explorer, create queries with the query designer, drag-and-drop tables onto a Typed DataSet and more! SQLite's designer works on all editions of Visual Studio 2005, including all Express Editions.
Single file redistributable under 500kbThe native SQLite library and the ADO.NET wrapper are combined into one multi-module assembly. Precompiled binaries are available for x86, IA64, x64 and ARM processors.
Extensive SQL support SQLite implements most of the SQL92 standard (see below). Supports named and unnamed parameters along with full UTF-8 and UTF-16 support each with optimized pipelines into the SQLite core.
User-Defined Functions & Collating Sequences Full support for user-defined functions and collating sequences means that in many cases if SQLite doesn't have a feature, you can write it yourself in your favorite .NET language. Writing UDF's and collating sequences has never been easier.
Full Source Included. 100% Free.The full source to the wrapper and SQLite engine is in the public domain. There are zero licensing restrictions for private or commercial use.