When I was testing the inspection of router-generated traffic, I wanted to block and log all incoming traffic (apart from inspect-generated conduits, obviously) with a simple access-list:
access-list 102 deny ip any any logUnfortunately, the port numbers in the logging printout were always zero:%SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list 102 denied udp ->, 1 packetThe reason for this behavior is very simple: unless a line in the IP ACL matches on the layer-4 port numbers, the router does not inspect them; the log action thus has no port number to show in the syslog printout.
To fix the printout, you have to force the router to inspect the layer-4 port numbers. If you still want to block-and-log all traffic, the minimum access-list achieving this goal is the following:access-list 102 deny udp any gt 0 any gt 0 log
access-list 102 deny tcp any gt 0 any gt 0 log
access-list 102 deny ip any any