Web Gadget Software Development Kit
Web Gadget SDK Beta version 0.7 (11/30/2006)
The Web Gadget SDK consists of the following:
Web Gadget Developer's Guide If this is the first time you are developing a Web Gadget, we recommend that you start here.
API ReferenceDocumentation on the complete the Web Gadget API that you can program to.
Gadget Design GuideGuidelines to help you with building a beautiful Gadget that will follows our guidelines.
Web Gadget Project Template A project template that you can install into Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Web Developer Express 2005 to make Web Gadget development much easier!
Additional SamplesExtra samples to show you how to write code to accomplish certain tasks.
Developer ChecklistEnumerates all the items that your Gadget should comply with.
Developer FAQAnswers your most frequently asked questions.
Development ResourcesOther resources to help you be successful with building that awesome Gadget! Includes Community resources, references and tutorials on JavaScript & DOM, HTML & CSS, and much more!