Saturday, April 28, 2007

BGP - Border Gateway Protocol (Wikipedia)

Border Gateway Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Open Source Implementations of BGP
6WINDGate, commercial embedded open-source routing modules from 6WIND including multi-core and network processors support.
Vyatta, a commercial open-source router / firewall.
Quagga, a fork of GNU Zebra for Unix-like systems.
GNU Zebra, a GPL routing suite supporting BGP4.
OpenBGPD[2], a BSD licensed implementation by the OpenBSD team.
XORP, the eXtensible Open Router Platform, a BSD licensed suite.
BIRD, a GPL routing package for Unix-like systems.

BGP simulators
BGPlay, a Java applet that presents a graphical visualization of BGP routes and updates for any real AS on the Internet
SSFnet, SSFnet network simulator includes a BGP implementation developed by BJ Premore
C-BGP, a BGP simulator able to simulate large ASes
BGP++, a patch integrating GNU Zebra software on ns-2 and GTNetS network simulators
ns-BGP, a BGP extension for ns-2 simulator based on the SSFnet implementation

See also
Autonomous system (Internet)
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Regional Internet Registry
Routing Assets Database (RADB)

External links
LinkRank A tool for BGP routing visualization by University of California, Los Angeles
BGP Routing Resources (includes a dedicated section on BGP & ISP Core Security)
BGP table statistics
ASNumber Firefox Extension showing the AS number and additional information of the website currently open
RIPE Routing Information Service collecting over 550 IPv4 and IPv6 BGP feeds at 14 sites around the world
RIS Looking Glass into the Default Free Routing zone of the Internet
RISwhois providing IPv4/IPv6 Address to BGP AS Origin Mapping
RIS BGPlay BGP routing visualization tool by Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Linux Magazine: Demystifying BGP (Good, Detailed BGP explanation; requires registration)
BGP Interactions at Router Startup Described as a Sequence Diagram (PDF)