Friday, September 7, 2007

PIX syslog messages (02/07/2007)

# Rev : 1.01
# Date : 02/07/2007
# By : Jeremy Chartier
# Modifications :
# 02/07/2006 : Add all PIX syslog messages available on
# severity 1, alerts
# severity 2, critical
# severity 3, errors
# severity 4, warning
# severity 5, notifications
# severity 6, informational
# severity 7, debugging

%PIX-1-101001 (Primary) Failover cable OK.
%PIX-1-101002 (Primary) Bad failover cable.
%PIX-1-101003 (Primary) Failover cable not connected (this unit).
%PIX-1-101004 (Primary) Failover cable not connected (other unit).
%PIX-1-101005 (Primary) Error reading failover cable status.
%PIX-1-102001 (Primary) Power failure/System reload other side.
%PIX-1-103001 (Primary) No response from other firewall (reason code = code).
%PIX-1-103002 (Primary) Other firewall network interface interface_number OK.
%PIX-1-103003 (Primary) Other firewall network interface interface_number failed.
%PIX-1-103004 (Primary) Other firewall reports this firewall failed.
%PIX-1-103005 (Primary) Other firewall reporting failure.
%PIX-1-104001 (Primary) Switching to ACTIVE (cause: string).
%PIX-1-104002 (Primary) Switching to STNDBY (cause: string).
%PIX-1-104003 (Primary) Switching to FAILED.
%PIX-1-104004 (Primary) Switching to OK.
%PIX-1-105001 (Primary) Disabling failover.
%PIX-1-105002 (Primary) Enabling failover.
%PIX-1-105003 (Primary) Monitoring on interface interface_name waiting
%PIX-1-105004 (Primary) Monitoring on interface interface_name normal
%PIX-1-105005 (Primary) Lost Failover communications with mate on interface interface_name.
%PIX-1-105006 (Primary) Link status `Up' on interface interface_name.
%PIX-1-105007 (Primary) Link status `Down' on interface interface_name.
%PIX-1-105008 (Primary) Testing interface interface_name.
%PIX-1-105009 (Primary) Testing on interface interface_name {Passed|Failed}.
%PIX-1-105011 (Primary) Failover cable communication failure
%PIX-1-105020 (Primary) Incomplete/slow config replication
%PIX-1-105031 Failover LAN interface is up
%PIX-1-105032 LAN Failover interface is down
%PIX-1-105034 Receive a LAN_FAILOVER_UP message from peer.
%PIX-1-105035 Receive a LAN failover interface down msg from peer.
%PIX-1-105036 PIX dropped a LAN Failover command message.
%PIX-1-105037 The primary and standby units are switching back and forth as the active unit.
%PIX-1-106021 Deny protocol reverse path check from source_address to dest_address on interface interface_name
%PIX-1-106022 Deny protocol connection spoof from source_address to dest_address on interface interface_name

%PIX-1-107001 RIP auth failed from IP_address: version=number, type=string, mode=string, sequence=number on interface interface_name
%PIX-6-109024 Authorization denied from source_IP_Address/src_port to dest_IP_Address/dest_port (not authenticated) on interface interface_name using protocol
%PIX-6-109025 Authorization denied (acl=acl_ID) for user 'user' from source_address/source_port to dest_address/dest_port on interface interface_name using protocol
%PIX-1-107002 RIP pkt failed from IP_address: version=number on interface interface_name
%PIX-1-709003 (Primary) Beginning configuration replication: Receiving from mate.
%PIX-1-709004 (Primary) End Configuration Replication (ACT)
%PIX-1-709005 (Primary) Beginning configuration replication: Receiving from mate.
%PIX-1-709006 (Primary) End Configuration Replication (STB)
%PIX-2-106001 Inbound TCP connection denied from IP_address/port to IP_address/port flags tcp_flags on interface interface_name
%PIX-2-106002 protocol Connection denied by outbound list acl_ID src inside_address dest outside_address
%PIX-2-106006 Deny inbound UDP from outside_address/outside_port to inside_address/inside_port on interface interface_name.
%PIX-2-106007 Deny inbound UDP from outside_address/outside_port to inside_address/inside_port due to DNS {Response|Query}.
%PIX-2-106012 Deny IP from IP_address to IP_address, IP options hex.
%PIX-2-106013 Dropping echo request from IP_address to PAT address IP_address
%PIX-2-106016 Deny IP spoof from (IP_address) to IP_address on interface interface_name.
%PIX-2-106017 Deny IP due to Land Attack from IP_address to IP_address
%PIX-2-106018 ICMP packet type ICMP_type denied by outbound list acl_ID src inside_address dest outside_address
%PIX-2-106020 Deny IP teardrop fragment (size = number, offset = number) from IP_address to IP_address
%PIX-2-108002 SMTP replaced string: out source_address in inside_address data: string
%PIX-2-109011 Authen Session Start: user 'user', sid number
%PIX-2-112001 (string:dec) PIX Clear complete.
%PIX-2-201003 Embryonic limit exceeded nconns/elimit for outside_address/outside_port (global_address) inside_address/inside_port on interface interface_name
%PIX-2-214001 Terminating manager session from IP_address on interface interface_name. Reason: incoming encrypted data (number bytes) longer than number bytes
%PIX-2-304007 URL Server IP_address not responding, ENTERING ALLOW mode.
%PIX-2-304008 LEAVING ALLOW mode, URL Server is up.
%PIX-2-304009 Ran out of buffer blocks specified by url-block command
%PIX-2-316001 Denied new tunnel to IP_address. VPN peer limit (platform_vpn_peer_limit) exceeded
%PIX-2-709007 Configuration replication failed for command command
%PIX-3-105010 (Primary) Failover message block alloc failed
%PIX-3-106010 Deny inbound protocol src interface_name:dest_address/dest_port dst interface_name:source_address/source_port
%PIX-3-106011 Deny inbound (No xlate) string
%PIX-3-106014 Deny inbound icmp src interface_name: IP_address dst interface_name: IP_address (type dec, code dec)
%PIX-3-109010 Auth from inside_address/inside_port to outside_address/outside_port failed (too many pending auths) on interface interface_name.
%PIX-3-109013 User must authenticate before using this service
%PIX-3-109016 Can't find authorization ACL acl_ID on 'PIX' for user 'user'
%PIX-3-109018 Downloaded ACL acl_ID is empty
%PIX-3-109019 Downloaded ACL acl_ID has parsing error; ACE string
%PIX-3-109020 Downloaded ACL has config error; ACE
%PIX-3-109023 User from src_IP_Adress/src_port to dest_IP_Address/dest_port on interface outside must authenticate before using this service.
%PIX-3-201002 Too many connections on {static|xlate} global_address! econns nconns
%PIX-3-201005 FTP data connection failed for IP_address
%PIX-3-201006 RCMD backconnection failed for IP_address/port
%PIX-3-201008 The PIX is disallowing new connections.
%PIX-3-201009 TCP connection limit of number for host IP_address on interface_name exceeded
%PIX-3-202001 Out of address translation slots!
%PIX-3-202005 Non-embryonic in embryonic list outside_address/outside_port inside_address/inside_port
%PIX-3-208005 (function:line_num) pix clear command return code
%PIX-3-210001 LU SW_Module_Name error = number
%PIX-3-210002 LU allocate block (bytes) failed.
%PIX-3-210003 Unknown LU Object number
%PIX-3-210005 LU allocate connection failed
%PIX-3-210006 LU look NAT for IP_address failed
%PIX-3-210007 LU allocate xlate failed
%PIX-3-210008 LU no xlate for inside_address/inside_port outside_address/outside_port
%PIX-3-210010 LU make UDP connection for outside_address:outside_port inside_address:inside_port failed
%PIX-3-210020 LU PAT port port reserve failed
%PIX-3-210021 LU create static xlate global_address ifc interface_name failed
%PIX-3-211001 Memory allocation Error
%PIX-3-211003 CPU utilization for number seconds = percent
%PIX-3-212001 Unable to open SNMP channel (UDP port port) on interface interface_number, error code = code
%PIX-3-212002 Unable to open SNMP trap channel (UDP port port) on interface interface_number, error code = code
%PIX-3-212003 Unable to receive an SNMP request on interface interface_number, error code = code, will try again.
%PIX-3-212004 Unable to send an SNMP response to IP Address IP_address Port port interface interface_number, error code = code
%PIX-3-212005 incoming SNMP request (number bytes) on interface interface_name exceeds data buffer size, discarding this SNMP request.
%PIX-3-213001 PPTP control daemon socket io string, errno = number.
%PIX-3-213002 PPTP tunnel hashtable insert failed, peer = IP_address.
%PIX-3-213003 PPP virtual interface interface_number isn't opened.
%PIX-3-213004 PPP virtual interface interface_number client ip allocation failed.
%PIX-3-302019 H.323 library_name ASN Library failed to initialize, error code number
%PIX-3-302302 ACL = deny; no sa created
%PIX-3-304003 URL Server IP_address timed out URL url
%PIX-3-304006 URL Server IP_address not responding
%PIX-3-305005 No translation group found for protocol src interface_name:dest_address/dest_port dst interface_name:source_address/source_port
%PIX-3-305006 {outbound static|identity|portmap|regular) translation creation failed for protocol src interface_name:source_address/source_port dst interface_name:dest_address/dest_port
%PIX-3-305008 Free unallocated global IP address.
%PIX-3-313001 Denied ICMP type=number, code=code from IP_address on interface interface_name
%PIX-3-315004 Fail to establish SSH session because PIX RSA host key retrieval failed.
%PIX-3-317001 No memory available for limit_slow
%PIX-3-317002 Bad path index of number for IP_address, number max
%PIX-3-317003 IP routing table creation failure - reason
%PIX-3-317004 IP routing table limit warning
%PIX-3-317005 IP routing table limit exceeded - reason, IP_address netmask
%PIX-3-318001 Internal error: reason
%PIX-3-318002 Flagged as being an ABR without a backbone area
%PIX-3-318003 Reached unknown state in neighbor state machine
%PIX-3-318004 area string lsid IP_address mask netmask adv IP_address type number
%PIX-3-318005 lsid IP_address adv IP_address type number gateway gateway_address metric number network IP_address mask netmask protocol hex attr hex net-metric number
%PIX-3-318006 if interface_name if_state number
%PIX-3-318007 OSPF is enabled on interface_name during idb initialization
%PIX-3-318008 OSPF process number is changing router-id. Reconfigure virtual link neighbors with our new router-id
%PIX-3-320001 The subject name of the peer cert is not allowed for connection
%PIX-3-403501 PPPoE - Bad host-unique in PADO - packet dropped. Intf:interface_name AC:ac_name
%PIX-3-403502 PPPoE - Bad host-unique in PADS - dropping packet. Intf:interface_name AC:ac_name
%PIX-3-403503 PPPoE:PPP link down:reason
%PIX-3-403504 PPPoE:No 'vpdn group' for PPPoE is created

%PIX-3-403506 PPPoE:failed to assign PPP IP_address netmask netmask at interface_name
%PIX-3-407002 Embryonic limit neconns/elimit for through connections exceeded.outside_address/outside_port to global_address (inside_address)/inside_port on interface interface_name
%PIX-3-610001 NTP daemon interface interface_name: Packet denied from IP_address
%PIX-3-610002 NTP daemon interface interface_name: Authentication failed for packet from IP_address
%PIX-3-611313 VPNClient: Backup Server List Error: reason
%PIX-3-702302 replay rollover detected...
%PIX-3-710003 {TCP|UDP} access denied by ACL from source_address/source_port to interface_name:dest_address/service
%PIX-4-106023 Deny protocol src [interface_name:source_address/source_port] dst interface_name:dest_address/dest_port [type {string}, code {code}] by access_group acl_ID
%PIX-4-109017 User at IP_address exceeded auth proxy connection limit (max)
%PIX-4-109022 exceeded HTTPS proxy process limit
%PIX-4-209003 Fragment database limit of number exceeded: src = IP_address,dest = IP_address, proto = protocol, id = number
%PIX-4-209004 Invalid IP fragment, size = bytes exceeds maximum size = bytes: src = IP_address, dest = IP_address, proto = protocol, id = number
%PIX-4-209005 Discard IP fragment set with more than number elements: src = IP_address, dest = IP_address, proto = protocol, id = number
%PIX-4-308002 static global_address inside_address netmask netmask overlapped with global_address inside_address
%PIX-4-313003 Invalid destination for ICMP error

%PIX-4-409023 Attempting AAA Fallback method for request for user :Auth-server group unreachable
%PIX-4-401001 Shuns cleared
%PIX-4-401002 Shun added: IP_address IP_address port port
%PIX-4-401003 Shun deleted: IP_address
%PIX-4-401004 Shunned packet: IP_address ==> IP_address on interface interface_name
%PIX-4-401005 Shun add failed: unable to allocate resources for IP_address IP_address port port
%PIX-4-402101 decaps: rec'd IPSEC packet has invalid spi for destaddr=dest_address, prot=protocol, spi=number
%PIX-4-402102 decapsulate: packet missing {AH|ESP}, destadr=dest_address, actual prot=protocol
%PIX-4-402103 identity doesn't match negotiated identity (ip) dest_address= dest_address, src_addr= source_address, prot= protocol, (ident) local=inside_address, remote=remote_address, local_proxy=IP_address/IP_address/port/port, remote_proxy=IP_address/IP_address/port/port
%PIX-4-402106 Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet (ip) dest_address= dest_address, src_addr= source_address, prot= protocol
%PIX-4-403101 PPTP session state not established, but received an XGRE packet, tunnel_id=number, session_id=number
%PIX-4-403102 PPP virtual interface interface_name rcvd pkt with invalid protocol: protocol, reason: reason.
%PIX-4-403103 PPP virtual interface max connections reached.
%PIX-4-403104 PPP virtual interface interface_name requires mschap for MPPE.
%PIX-4-403106 PPP virtual interface interface_name requires RADIUS for MPPE.
%PIX-4-403107 PPP virtual interface interface_name missing aaa server group info
%PIX-4-403108 PPP virtual interface interface_name missing client ip address option
%PIX-4-403109 Rec'd packet not an PPTP packet. (ip) dest_address= dest_address, src_addr= source_address, data: string.
%PIX-4-403110 PPP virtual interface interface_name, user: user missing MPPE key from aaa server.
%PIX-4-404101 ISAKMP: Failed to allocate address for client from pool string
%PIX-4-405001 Received ARP {request | response} collision from IP_address/mac_address on interface interface_name, page 2-63
%PIX-4-405002 Received mac mismatch collision from IP_address/mac_address for authenticated host, page 2-64
%PIX-4-405101 Unable to Pre-allocate H225 Call Signalling Connection for foreign_address outside_address[/outside_port] to local_address inside_address[/inside_port]
%PIX-4-405102 Unable to Pre-allocate H245 Connection for foreign_address outside_address[/outside_port] to local_address inside_address[/inside_port]
%PIX-4-405104 H225 message received from outside_address/outside_port to inside_address/inside_port before SETUP
%PIX-4-406001 FTP port command low port: IP_address/port to IP_address on interface interface_name
%PIX-4-406002 FTP port command different address: IP_address(IP_address) to IP_address on interface interface_name
%PIX-4-407001 Deny traffic for local-host interface_name:inside_address, license limit of number exceeded
%PIX-4-408001 IP route counter negative - reason, IP_address Attempt: number
%PIX-4-409001 Database scanner: external LSA IP_address netmask is lost, reinstalls
%PIX-4-409002 db_free: external LSA IP_address netmask
%PIX-4-409003 Received invalid packet: reason from IP_address, interface_name
%PIX-4-409004 Received reason from unknown neighbor IP_address
%PIX-4-409005 Invalid length number in OSPF packet from IP_address (ID IP_address), interface_name
%PIX-4-409006 Invalid lsa: reason Type number, LSID IP_address from IP_address, IP_address, interface_name
%PIX-4-409007 Found LSA with the same host bit set but using different mask LSA ID IP_address netmask New: Destination IP_address netmask
%PIX-4-409008 Found generating default LSA with non-zero mask LSA type : number Mask: IP_address metric : number area : string
%PIX-4-409009 OSPF process number cannot start. There must be at least one up IP interface, for OSPF to use as router ID
%PIX-4-409010 Virtual link information found in non-backbone area: string
%PIX-4-409011 OSPF detected duplicate router-id IP_address from IP_address on interface interface_name
%PIX-4-409012 Detected router with duplicate router ID IP_address in area string
%PIX-4-409013 Detected router with duplicate router ID IP_address in Type-4 LSA advertised by IP_address
%PIX-4-409023 Attempting AAA Fallback method for request for user :Auth-server group unreachable
%PIX-4-410001 UDP DNS packet dropped due to domainname length check of 255 bytes: actual length: bytes, page 2-71
%PIX-4-416001 Dropped UDP SNMP packet from : IP>/ to :/; version> () is not allowed through the firewall
%PIX-4-500004 Invalid transport field for protocol=protocol, from source_address/source_port to dest_address/dest_port
%PIX-4-612002 Auto Update failed:filename, version:number, reason:reason
%PIX-4-620002 Unsupported CTIQBE version: hex: from interface_name:IP_address/port to interface_name:IP_address/port
%PIX-4-710004 TCP connection limit exceeded from source_address/source_port to interface_name:dest_address/service
%PIX-5-109012 Authen Session End: user 'user', sid number, elapsed number seconds
%PIX-5-111002 Begin configuration: IP_address writing to device
%PIX-5-111003 IP_address Erase configuration
%PIX-5-111004 IP_address end configuration: {FAILED|OK}
%PIX-5-111005 IP_address end configuration: OK
%PIX-5-111007 Begin configuration: IP_address reading from device.
%PIX-5-111008 User user executed the command string
%PIX-5-199001 PIX reload command executed from telnet (remote IP_address).
%PIX-5-304001 user source_address Accessed {JAVA URL|URL} dest_address: url.
%PIX-5-304002 Access denied URL url SRC IP_address DEST IP_address: url
%PIX-5-500001 ActiveX content modified src IP_address dest IP_address on interface interface_name.
%PIX-5-500002 Java content modified src IP_address dest IP_address on interface interface_name.
%PIX-5-500003 Bad TCP hdr length (hdrlen=bytes, pktlen=bytes) from source_address/source_port to dest_address/dest_port, flags: tcp_flags, on interface interface_name
%PIX-5-501101 User transitioning priv level
%PIX-5-502101 New user added to local dbase: Uname: user Priv: privilege_level Encpass: string
%PIX-5-502102 User deleted from local dbase: Uname: user Priv: privilege_level Encpass: string
%PIX-5-502103 User priv level changed: Uname: user From: privilege_level To: privilege_level
%PIX-5-503001 Process number, Nbr IP_address on interface_name from string to string, reason
%PIX-5-611103 User logged out: Uname: user
%PIX-5-611104 Serial console idle timeout exceeded
%PIX-5-612001 Auto Update succeeded:filename, version:number
%PIX-6-106015 Deny TCP (no connection) from IP_address/port to IP_address/port flags tcp_flags on interface interface_name.
%PIX-6-109001 Auth start for user user from inside_address/inside_port to outside_address/outside_port
%PIX-6-109002 Auth from inside_address/inside_port to outside_address/outside_port failed (server IP_address failed) on interface interface_name.
%PIX-6-109003 Auth from inside_address to outside_address/outside_port failed (all servers failed) on interface interface_name.
%PIX-6-109005 Authentication succeeded for user `user' from inside_address/inside_port to outside_address/outside_port on interface interface_name.
%PIX-6-109006 Authentication failed for user `user' from inside_address/inside_port to outside_address/outside_port on interface interface_name.
%PIX-6-109007 Authorization permitted for user `user' from inside_address/inside_port to outside_address/outside_port on interface interface_name.
%PIX-6-109008 Authorization denied for user `user' from source_address/source_port to destination_address/destination_port on interface interface_name.
%PIX-6-109024 Authorization denied from source_IP_Address/src_port to dest_IP_Address/dest_port (not authenticated) on interface interface_name using protocol
%PIX-6-109025 Authorization denied (acl=acl_ID) for user 'user' from source_address/source_port to dest_address/dest_port on interface interface_name using protocol
%PIX-6-110001 No route to dest_address from source_address
%PIX-6-199002 PIX startup completed. Beginning operation.
%PIX-6-199005 PIX Startup begin
%PIX-6-199005 PIX Startup begin
%PIX-6-210022 LU missed number updates
%PIX-6-302003 Built H245 connection for foreign_address outside_address/outside_port local_address inside_address/inside_port
%PIX-6-302004 Pre-allocate H323 UDP backconnection for foreign_address outside_address/outside_port to local_address inside_address/inside_port
%PIX-6-302009 Rebuilt TCP connection number for foreign_address outside_address/outside_port global_address global_address/global_port local_address inside_address/inside_port
%PIX-6-302010 connections in use, connections most used
%PIX-6-302013 Built {inbound|outbound} TCP connection number for interface_name:real_address/real_port (mapped_address/mapped_port) to interface_name:real_address/real_port (mapped_address/mapped_port) [(user)]
%PIX-6-302014 Teardown TCP connection number for interface_name:real_address/real_port to interface_name:real_address/real_port duration time bytes number [reason] [(user)]
%PIX-6-302015 Built {inbound|outbound} UDP connection number for interface_name:real_address/real_port (mapped_address/mapped_port) to interface_name:real_address/real_port (mapped_address/mapped_port) [(user)]
%PIX-6-302016 Teardown UDP connection number for interface_name:real_address/real_port to interface_name:real_address/real_port duration time bytes number [(user)]
%PIX-6-302017 Built {inbound|outbound} GRE connection id from interface:real_address (translated_address) to interface:real_address/real_cid (translated_address/translated_cid)[(user)
%PIX-6-302018 Teardown GRE connection id from interface:real_address (translated_address) to interface:real_address/real_cid (translated_address/translated_cid) duration hh:mm:ss bytes bytes [(user)] %PIX-6-303002: source_address {Stored|Retrieved} dest_address: mapped_address
%PIX-6-304004 URL Server IP_address request failed URL url
%PIX-6-305007 addrpool_free(): Orphan IP IP_address on interface interface_number
%PIX-3-305009 Teardown translation from :
to []:
%PIX-6-305010 Teardown {dynamic|static} translation from interface_name [()]:real_address to interface_name:mapped_address duration time
%PIX-6-305011 Built {dynamic|static} {TCP|UDP|ICMP} translation from interface_name [()]:real_address/real_port to interface_name:mapped_address/mapped_port
%PIX-6-308001 PIX console enable password incorrect for number tries (from IP_address)
%PIX-6-309002 Permitted manager connection from IP_address.
%PIX-6-311001 LU loading standby start
%PIX-6-311002 LU loading standby end
%PIX-6-311003 LU recv thread up
%PIX-6-311004 LU xmit thread up
%PIX-6-312001 RIP hdr failed from IP_address: cmd=string, version=number domain=string on interface interface_name
%PIX-6-314001 Pre-allocate RTSP UDP backconnection for foreign_address outside_address/outside_port to local_address inside_address/inside_port
%PIX-6-315011 SSH session from IP_address on interface interface_name for user user disconnected by SSH server, reason: reason
%PIX-6-403500 PPPoE - Service name 'any' not received in PADO. Intf:interface_name AC:ac_name.
%PIX-6-602101 PMTU-D packet number bytes greater than effective mtu number dest_addr=dest_address, src_addr=source_address, prot=protocol
%PIX-6-602102 Adjusting IPSec tunnel mtu...
%PIX-6-602201 ISAKMP Phase 1 SA created (local / (initiator|responder), remote /, authentication=, encryption=, hash=, group=, lifetime=)
%PIX-6-602301 sa created...
%PIX-6-602302 deleting sa
%PIX-6-603101 PPTP received out of seq or duplicate pkt, tnl_id=number, sess_id=number, seq=number.
%PIX-6-603102 PPP virtual interface interface_name - user: user aaa authentication started.
%PIX-6-603103 PPP virtual interface interface_name - user: user aaa authentication status
%PIX-6-603104 PPTP Tunnel created, tunnel_id is number, remote_peer_ip is remote_address, ppp_virtual_interface_id is number, client_dynamic_ip is IP_address, username is user, MPPE_key_strength is string
%PIX-6-603105 PPTP Tunnel deleted, tunnel_id = number, remote_peer_ip= remote_address
%PIX-6-603106 L2TP Tunnel created, tunnel_id is number, remote_peer_ip is remote_address, ppp_virtual_interface_id is number, client_dynamic_ip is IP_address, username is user
%PIX-6-603107 L2TP Tunnel deleted, tunnel_id = number, remote_peer_ip = remote_address
%PIX-6-603108 Built PPTP Tunnel at interface_name, tunnel-id = number, remote-peer = IP_address, virtual-interface = number, client-dynamic-ip = IP_address, username = user, MPPE-key-strength = number
%PIX-6-603109 Teardown PPPOE Tunnel at interface_name, tunnel-id = number, remote-peer = IP_address
%PIX-6-604101 DHCP client interface interface_name: Allocated ip = IP_address, mask = netmask, gw = gateway_address
%PIX-6-604102 DHCP client interface interface_name: address released
%PIX-6-604103 DHCP daemon interface interface_name: address granted MAC_address (IP_address)
%PIX-6-604104 DHCP daemon interface interface_name: address released
%PIX-6-605004 Login denied from {source_address/source_port | serial} to {interface_name:dest_address/service | console} for user "user"
%PIX-6-605005 Login permitted from {source_address/source_port | serial} to {interface_name:dest_address/service | console} for user "user"
%PIX-6-606001 PDM session number number from IP_address started
%PIX-6-606002 PDM session number number from IP_address ended
%PIX-6-607001 Pre-allocate SIP connection_type secondary channel for interface_name:IP_address/port to interface_name:IP_address from string message
%PIX-6-608001 Pre-allocate Skinny connection_type secondary channel for interface_name:IP_address to interface_name:IP_address/port from string message
%PIX-6-609001 Built local-host interface_name:IP_address
%PIX-6-609002 Teardown local-host interface_name:IP_address duration time
%PIX-6-610101 Authorization failed: Cmd: command Cmdtype: command_modifier
%PIX-6-611101 User authentication succeeded: Uname: user
%PIX-6-611102 User authentication failed: Uname: user
%PIX-6-611301 VPNClient: NAT configured for Client Mode with no split tunneling: NAT addr: mapped_address
%PIX-6-611302 VPNClient: NAT exemption configured for Network Extension Mode with no split tunneling
%PIX-6-611303 VPNClient: NAT configured for Client Mode with split tunneling: NAT addr: mapped_address Split Tunnel Networks: IP_address/netmask IP_address/netmask ...
%PIX-6-611304 VPNClient: NAT exemption configured for Network Extension Mode with split tunneling: Split Tunnel Networks: IP_address/netmask IP_address/netmask ...
%PIX-6-611305 VPNClient: DHCP Policy installed: Primary DNS: IP_address Secondary DNS: IP_address Primary WINS: IP_address Secondary WINS: IP_address
%PIX-6-611306 VPNClient: Perfect Forward Secrecy Policy installed
%PIX-6-611307 VPNClient: Head end : IP_address
%PIX-6-611308 VPNClient: Split DNS Policy installed: List of domains: string string ...
%PIX-6-611309 VPNClient: Disconnecting from head end and uninstalling previously downloaded policy: Head End : IP_address
%PIX-6-611310 VNPClient: XAUTH Succeeded: Peer: IP_address
%PIX-6-611311 VNPClient: XAUTH Failed: Peer: IP_address
%PIX-6-611312 VPNClient: Backup Server List: reason
%PIX-6-611314 VPNClient: Load Balancing Cluster with Virtual IP: IP_address has redirected the PIX to server IP_address
%PIX-6-611315 VPNClient: Disconnecting from Load Balancing Cluster member IP_address
%PIX-6-611316 VPNClient: Secure Unit Authentication Enabled
%PIX-6-611317 VPNClient: Secure Unit Authentication Disabled
%PIX-6-611318 VPNClient: User Authentication Enabled: Auth Server IP: IP_address Auth Server Port: port Idle Timeout: time
%PIX-6-611319 VPNClient: User Authentication Disabled
%PIX-6-611320 VPNClient: Device Pass Thru Enabled
%PIX-6-611321 VPNClient: Device Pass Thru Disabled
%PIX-6-611322 VPNClient: Extended XAUTH conversation initiated when SUA disabled
%PIX-6-611323 VPNClient: Duplicate split nw entry
%PIX-6-613001 Checksum Failure in database in area string Link State Id IP_address Old Checksum number New Checksum number
%PIX-6-613002 interface interface_name has zero bandwidth
%PIX-6-613003 IP_address netmask changed from area string to area string
%PIX-6-614001 Split DNS: request patched from server: IP_address to server: IP_address
%PIX-6-614002 Split DNS: reply from server:IP_address reverse patched back to original server:IP_address
%PIX-6-620001 Pre-allocate CTIQBE {RTP | RTCP} secondary channel for interface_name:outside_address[/outside_port] to interface_name:inside_address[/inside_port] from CTIQBE_message_name message
%PIX-7-109014 uauth_lookup_net fail for uauth_in()
%PIX-7-109021 Uauth null proxy error
%PIX-7-304005 URL Server IP_address request pending URL url
%PIX-7-701001 alloc_user() out of Tcp_user objects
%PIX-7-702201 ISAKMP Phase 1 delete received (local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702202 ISAKMP Phase 1 delete sent (local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702203 ISAKMP DPD timed out (local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702204 ISAKMP Phase 1 retransmission (local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702205 ISAKMP Phase 2 retransmission (local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702206 ISAKMP malformed payload received (local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702207 ISAKMP duplicate packet detected (local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702208 ISAKMP Phase 1 exchange started (local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702209 ISAKMP Phase 2 exchange started (local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702210 ISAKMP Phase 1 exchange completed(local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702211 ISAKMP Phase 2 exchange completed(local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702212 ISAKMP Phase 1 initiating rekey (local (initiator|responder), remote )
%PIX-7-702301 lifetime expiring...
%PIX-7-702303 sa_request...
%PIX-7-702303 sa_request...
%PIX-7-703002 Received H.225 Release Complete with newConnectionNeeded for interface_name:ip_address to interface_name:ip_address/port
%PIX-7-709001 FO replication failed: cmd=command returned=code
%PIX-7-709002 FO unreplicable: cmd=command
%PIX-7-710001 TCP access requested from source_address/source_port to interface_name:dest_address/service
%PIX-7-710002 {TCP|UDP} access permitted from source_address/source_port to interface_name:dest_address/service
%PIX-7-710005 {TCP|UDP} request discarded from source_address/source_port to interface_name:dest_address/service
%PIX-7-710006 protocol request discarded from source_address to interface_name:dest_address