Tolerant string matching using the Levenshtein algorithm
Sometimes it's handy to have a tolerant string matching function which finds almost indentical strings. I needed it in our German receipt database RkSuite to manage the categories which are sometimes just wrongly spelled or which are variations of other categories.
Different algorithms exist to solve this problem, a very common program under Unix is soundex but it's only useful if you stick to one language. If you have English, German, French, ... words the soundex algorithm wouldn't work effectively so a more general approach was required. After some search with Google I heard about Levenshtein.
The code is based on the original work by Michael Gillel, visit his Homepage and read his excellent article about the Levenshtein algorithm. Come back and join me when I show you how to use your new knowledge in your own applications.
Using the code
The class Levenshtein
(levenshtein.cpp, levenshtein.h) contains the code which calculates the edit distance between 2 words. The edit distance describes how many edit operations (insert, remove, change) are necessary to transform one string into another. The code uses no sophisticated tricks, any C++ compiler should be able to deal with it.
The method Get
returns the edit distance. The plain value may or may not be interesting for you, in my example I use the formula Edit Distance * 100 / string length
to tolerate more errors in longer strings.
Two different Get
methods are available, the first works with strings with a maximum length of MAXLINE
(default: 128). I use static arrays for the calculation which slightly improves the speed of the algorithm. You can change the constant to save memory. Please note that a two-dimensional array will be created which requires MAXLINE * MAXLINE * sizeof(int)
If you are not sure how long your strings are you can use the method Get2
, it allocates the memory dynamically and can deal with (almost) any string length. If a string is too long for the algorithm above, the 2nd one is used automatically.
Usage is very simple:
// calculate Levenshtein distance
Levenshtein lev;
int nError = lev.Get(string1, string2);
// recalculate value
int nNormalizedError = 100 * nError / strlen(string1);
The code in the example uses a small list from the file liste.txt. You can play around with the tolerance setting to see which strings are recognized as similar. The demo project uses the MFC and has been compiled with Visual Studio .NET 2003. It should be easily possible to create a VC6 project, just add all .h, .cpp and .rc files to the project.
Final conclusion
The algorithm works very well for small sets of data (several 1000s). I have tried to use it for spell checking but comparing a string against a dictionary of usual size is not efficient. Anyway, it's incredible to switch from perfect to tolerant matching and your users will be glad that your program gives you a chance to make errors.