Fast Text Processing in SQL Server
Processing text or long strings usually reduces SQL to a prosaic procedural language.
Processing text or long strings in SQL has never been an easy task. SQL is a powerful language for performing fast operations on data sets, but when it comes to processing text or long strings, it's usually reduced to a prosaic procedural language. This article shows a few techniques for facilitating speedy text processing in SQL. Although demonstrated in SQL Server, you can apply the underlying ideas to any RDBMS with only small adjustments. Also, no third-party tools, extended stored procedures, or user-defined functions or objects written in any programming language other than SQL (or Transact-SQL) are used.
Using these techniques you will be able to do the following and more without any loops:
- Determine the number of the words in the text
- Determine the length and position of each word in the text
- Determine the number of occurrences of a letter (pattern) and their positions in the text
- Determine the frequency of each distinct word or letter in the text
- Eliminate a letter's duplicates
- Eliminate extra spaces between the words or between lines of text
- Convert text according to a given format (e.g., define the length of lines in the text or implement more sophisticated formatting of the text)
Preliminary Transformations
SQL is a language dedicated to set-based processing. Text by nature requires one-by-one sequential processing, which is not the strongest feature of SQL. Hence, you can't expect an improvement in text processing if you don't change the layout of the text. In other words, you need to convert text into a structure that allows set-based manipulations.Traditionally in relational databases, such structures were and continue to be tables. Therefore, to be able to process text using SQL, you need to put it into a table, where each word (or letter) will have a row value in a specific column.
The sections to follow show a few techniques that you can use for text conversion.
SQL Server 2005 Recursive Techniques
I'm a big fan of recursion and I always try to use it in my projects (see my MSDN article, "Recursion in T–SQL"). However, implementing recursion in SQL Server 2000 (SS2000) is not an easy, intuitive task. SS2000 allows only 32 nesting levels (calls), which makes the recursion implementation very tricky or even impossible in some situations.This is why I was very glad to see SQL Server 2005 (SS2005) introduce a recursive query that uses common table expression (CTE). I consider that feature a great enhancement to Transact-SQL. As an example, consider how easily you can convert and load the following text (the poem "True Beauty" written by my daughter Anat Kozak) into a table using SS2005 recursion. It is a recursive query using CTE:
Listing 1. How to Convert by Words and Load Text into the Table
DECLARE @str varchar(2000);
SELECT @str =
"A lonely moon about the sky,
A gentle flower in the breeze,
A giant cloud of smoky stars,
Some sticky honey made by bees.
The soft sweet voice of melody
And moist warm air, which we all breathe
Tremendous power of our minds
Which can make everyone believe..."
1 SELECT @str = REPLACE(@str, CHAR(10), ' ');
2 SELECT @str = REPLACE(@str, CHAR(13), ' ' );
3 WITH ProcessText AS
4 (SELECT 1 as startPos, CHARINDEX (' ',@str, 1) as spacePos
6 SELECT spacePos + 1, CHARINDEX (' ',@str, spacePos + 1)
7 FROM ProcessText WHERE spacePos > 0)
8 SELECT startPos,
9 spacePos,
10 SUBSTRING(@str, startPos, spacePos - startPos) AS singleWord
11 INTO #words
12 FROM ProcessText WHERE spacePos <> 0
14 SELECT MAX(spacePos) + 1, 0, RIGHT(@str, LEN(@str) - MAX(spacePos))
15 FROM ProcessText
The CTE query definition starts in line 4, where an anchor member is defined. The recursive member, referencing ProcessText
(the CTE name) is defined in lines 6 and 7. The statement, located in lines 8-16, executes CTE, inserting the result into the temporary table.
The query recursively looks for an empty space between the words and extracts substring (word
), located between the current and previous empty spaces. You should take special care of some control characters, such as line feed (Char(10)
) and carriage return (Char(13)
), unless you want them to participate in the processing and be counted as the characters. You can find an example of such control characters processing in lines 1 and 2 of the code.
Running SELECT * FROM #words
will produce the following result:
startPos spacePos sepWord
----------- ----------- --------
1 2 A
3 9 lonely
10 14 moon
15 20 about
21 24 the
25 29 sky,
30 30
31 32 A
33 39 gentle
40 46 flower
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
112 116 made
117 119 by
120 125 bees.
126 126
127 127
128 128
129 132 The
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
244 248 make
249 257 everyone
258 0 believe...
As you can see, the code from Listing 1 did additional work: it calculated the starting position of each word and the position of each empty space from the very beginning of the text. And that's not all. You can get a lot of useful information about the original text. For example, you can determine the number of words in the text as follows:
FROM #words
WHERE singleWord <>'';
You can determine the length of each word as follows:
SELECT LEN(singleWord) as wordLength,*
FROM #words;
-- Result:
wordLength startPos spacePos singleWord
1 1 2 A
6 3 9 lonely
4 10 14 moon
5 15 20 about
3 21 24 the
4 25 29 sky,
0 30 30
1 31 32 A
6 33 39 gentle
6 40 46 flower
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
You can determine how often each distinct word has been used as follows:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS wordFrequency, singleWord
FROM #words
GROUP BY singleWord;
-- Result:
wordFrequency singleWord
3 A
1 about
1 air,
1 all
1 And
1 bees.
1 believe...
1 breathe
1 breeze,
1 by
1 can
. . . . . . . . . . . .
1 sticky
1 sweet
3 The
1 Tremendous
1 voice
1 warm
1 we
2 Which
The result this last query produced includes a couple of interesting details:
- The result has been implicitly sorted in alphabetical order on column singleWord, because the
clause was using aSORT
operation internally. - The number 9 in the first line of the result indicates the number of lines in the text, but not the number of spaces between the words.
SQL Server 2005 Recursive Techniques (cont'd)
Now, go back to the Listing 1. Replace lines 4 and 6 of the code with the following lines:
4 (SELECT 1 as startPos, CHARINDEX (' A',@str, 1) as spacePos
. . . . .
6 SELECT spacePos + 1, CHARINDEX (' A',@str, spacePos + 1)
Running this updated script, Listing 1 will produce the following result:
startPos spacePos singleWord
1 14 A lonely moon
15 30 about the sky,
31 62 A gentle flower in the breeze,
63 160 A giant cloud of smoky stars,. . .sweet voice of melody
161 175 And moist warm
176 189 air, which we
190 0 all breathe Tremendous power. . . everyone believe...
At first glance, the result doesn't make any sense; you just got all the phrases that start with a specific letter (A). But as you will see later, this option can be very useful when you want to format the text. Thus, when you split and load text into a table, you get easy access to each separate word, and that gives you a lot of flexibility and processing power.
But what if you need even more granularity? What if you need to work with each individual letter, instead of the whole word? Well, you can do that using the following script:
Listing 2. How to Convert by Letters and Load Text into the Table
DECLARE @str varchar(2000);
SELECT @str =
"A lonely moon about the sky,
A gentle flower in the breeze,
A giant cloud of smoky stars,
Some sticky honey made by bees.
The soft sweet voice of melody
And moist warm air, which we all breathe
Tremendous power of our minds
Which can make everyone believe...";
1 SELECT @str = REPLACE(@str, CHAR(10), ' ');
2 SELECT @str = REPLACE(@str, CHAR(13), '');
3 WITH ProcessText AS
4 (SELECT 1 as startPos, SUBSTRING (@str,1,1) as letter
6 SELECT startPos + 1, SUBSTRING (@str,startPos+1, 1)
7 FROM ProcessText WHERE startPos <= len(@str))
8 SELECT * INTO #letters
9 FROM ProcessText
SELECT * FROM #letters;
startPos letter
----------- ------
1 A
3 l
4 o
5 n
6 e
7 l
8 y
10 m
11 o
12 o
13 n
. . . . . . .
250 b
251 e
252 l
253 i
254 e
255 v
256 e
257 .
258 .
259 .
The solution in Listing 2 is based on the same idea as the solution in Listing 1. The query recursively applies the SUBSTRING()
function to the original string, incrementing the starting position by one on each recursion's step, and stops processing when the starting position reaches the end of the string (text
The solution from Listing 2 gives you direct access to each letter in the text, which gives you additional flexibility and processing power. Now, you can easily determine the number of letters in the text:
FROM #letters
WHERE letter <> '';
You can determine how often each distinct letter has been used:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumLetters,letter
FROM #letters
WHERE letter <> ''
GROUP BY letter;
NumLetters letter
----------- ------
4 ,
4 .
14 a
6 b
6 c
6 d
32 e
. . . . . . .
13 t
4 u
3 v
7 w
8 y
1 z
If you change Listing 2 slightly by replacing lines 4 and 6 with the following lines:
4 (SELECT 1 as startPos, SUBSTRING (@str,1,2) as letter
. . . . . . . . . . . .
6 SELECT startPos + 2, SUBSTRING (@str,startPos+2, 2)
You will get the consequent pairs of letters in the result:
startPos letter
----------- ------
1 A
3 lo
5 ne
7 ly
9 m
11 oo
13 n
15 a
17 bo
. . . . . . . .
If you replace lines 4 and 6 with the following lines:
4 (SELECT 1 as startPos, SUBSTRING (@str,1,2) as letter
. . . . . . . . . . . .
6 SELECT startPos + 2, SUBSTRING (@str,startPos+2, 2)
You will get the consequent pairs of letters with overlapping:
startPos letter
----------- ------
1 A
2 lo
3 on
4 ne
5 el
6 ly
7 y
. . . . . . .
The preceding two cases allow text splitting by two letters (it actually can be any number of letters) and potentially are very useful for text formatting or finding duplicates or extra spaces in the text (more on that later).
SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 Techniques
The recursive queries using CTE are available only in SS2005, so to produce the same results in SS2000 as the techniques in the previous section did, you need to apply dynamic SQL. The following script (see Listing 3) demonstrates that technique:
Listing 3. How to Convert by Words and Load Text into the Table, Using Dynamic SQL
DECLARE @str varchar(8000)
SELECT @str = "James Joyce (1882-1941) was an Irish writer and poet, and is
widely considered one of the most significant writers of the 20th century."
SELECT @str = REPLACE(@str, CHAR(13),'')
SELECT @str = REPLACE(@str, CHAR(10), '')
IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'dynWords' AND type = 'U')
wordID int identity(1,1) not null,
word varchar(30) not null)
SELECT @Str = 'INSERT INTO dynWords(word) SELECT A="' +
REPLACE(@str, ' ', '"UNION ALL SELECT"') + '"'
SELECT * FROM dynWords;
wordID word
------ -------------
1 James
2 Joyce
3 (1882-1941)
4 was
. . . . . . . . . . . .
20 of
21 the
22 20th
23 century.
The logic in this example is very simple. You need to add the header "INSERT INTO #dynWords(word) SELECT A=
" to the original text and then replace the spaces between the words with the phrase "UNION ALL SELECT
". You will get the following string:
When you execute this string dynamically, the result will be loaded into the #dynWords
Now, let's try to determine:
- The number of words in the text
- The length of each word
- The position of each empty space between the words
Listing 4 is the solution to accomplish this.
Listing 4. Processing Converted Text, Using SQL (Part 1)
-- 1. The number of words in the text
SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Total words in the text:'
FROM dynWords
WHERE word NOT IN ('', ' ', CHAR(13), CHAR(10));
Total words in the text:
-- 2. The length of each word
SELECT *, LEN(word) wordLength FROM dynWords;
wordID word wordLength
----------- ------------------------------ -----------
1 James 5
2 Joyce 4
3 (1882-1941) 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21 the 3
22 20th 4
23 century. 8
-- 3. The numeric position of each empty space between the words
PRINT 'The numeric position of each empty space between the words:'
SELECT tbl2.*, tbl1.c1 as spacePos
FROM (SELECT c1 = SUM(LEN(t1.word)+1), c2 = t2.wordID
FROM dynWords AS t1 INNER JOIN dynWords AS t2
ON t1.wordID<=t2.wordID
GROUP BY t2.wordID) tbl1
INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM dynWords) tbl2
ON tbl1.c2 = tbl2.wordID
The numeric position of each empty space between the words:
wordID word spacePos
----------- ------------------------------ -----------
1 James 6
2 Joyce 11
3 (1882-1941) 23
4 was 27
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20 of 117
21 the 121
22 20th 126
23 century. 135
Queries 1 and 2 are self-explanatory. Query 3 is much more interesting, though it uses a pretty well known technique with self-joins. The aggregate function SUM(LEN(t1.word)+1)
accumulates the number of letters (including the spaces) in the words preceding the current one. Using COUNT()
instead of SUM()
, you could get the number of words preceding the current one--in other words, the order number of each word in the text, which already is represented by the identity column wordID
Now, let's proceed and find:
- The word "and" and words that start with a letter "w"
- The position of each phrase that starts with a letter "w"
Listing 5 is the solution to accomplish this.
Listing 5. Processing Converted Text, Using SQL (Part 2)
-- 1) Find words "and" and words, starting with a letter "w".
SELECT wordID, word
FROM dynWords
WHERE word LIKE 'w%'OR word LIKE 'AND';
wordID word
----------- --------------
4 was
7 writer
8 and
10 and
12 widely
19 writers
-- 2) The position of each phrase, starting with a letter "w".
DECLARE @str varchar(8000)
SELECT @str = "James Joyce (1882-1941) was an Irish writer and poet, and is
widely considered one of the most significant writers of the 20th century."
SELECT @str = REPLACE(@str, CHAR(13),' ')
SELECT @str = REPLACE(@str, CHAR(10), '')
IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'dynWords' AND type = 'U')
CREATE TABLE dynWords(wordID int identity(1,1) not null,
word varchar(100) not null)
SELECT @str = 'INSERT INTO dynWords(word) SELECT A="' +
REPLACE(@str, ' w', '"UNION ALL SELECT"w') + '"';
PRINT 'The position of each phrase starting with "w":'
SELECT tbl2.*, tbl1.c1 as startPos FROM
(SELECT (SUM(LEN(t1.word)+1)+1) as c1, c2 = t2.wordID
FROM dynWords AS t1 INNER JOIN dynWords AS t2
ON t1.wordID < t2.wordID
GROUP BY t2.wordID) tbl1
INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM dynWords) tbl2
ON tbl1.c2 = tbl2.wordID
The position of each phrase starting with "w":
wordID word startPos
----------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------
2 was an Irish 24
3 writer and poet, and is 37
4 widely considered one of the most significant 61
5 writers of the 20th century. 107
SQL Server Speed Gap: 2005 vs. 2000
Text conversion and processing techniques are very powerful and flexible; you can use them in many projects. The techniques with dynamic SQL are more restrictive (a 8,000-character limit for the varchar data type or 4,000 for nvarchar) than the recursive techniques, which are faster, but you can use them only in SS2005.